How Often Should You Schedule a Dental Cleaning for Your Pet?

As a pet parent, you want to ensure that your furry friend is healthy and happy. While regular exercise and proper nutrition are essential components of their well-being, dental care is just as crucial. Just like us humans, pets require regular dental cleanings too! But how often should you schedule a dental cleaning for your pet?

In this blog post, we’ll explore the recommended frequency of pet dental cleanings and why it’s important to keep up with them. So grab a snack (for both you and your pooch) and let’s get started!

What is a Dental Cleaning?

person wearing silver-colored ring while holding denture

A dental cleaning is an important preventive dental procedure that should be performed on your pet every 6 to 12 months. During a dental cleaning, our expert dentists will remove plaque, tartar and other debris from the teeth and gums.

This helps ensure optimal oral health for your pet. While brushing and flossing are critical for your own teeth, they are not adequate at removing debris from between the teeth and around the gum line. A healthy diet and regular dental care can go a long way in keeping your pet’s teeth clean, but a professional cleaning is always a good idea!

Benefits of a Dental Cleaning for Pets

One of the best ways to keep your pet healthy and happy is to have them visiting their veterinarian regularly for a dental check-up. Pets who receive regular cleanings will avoid developing plaque and tartar, which can lead to gum disease and even more serious health concerns.

If you live with multiple pets or just have one dog or cat, it’s important to schedule regular dental cleanings for all of them! Not only will this help prevent dental issues down the line, but it also strengthens their bond as family members. Plus, during these appointments your pet will get a check-up and be given any necessary vaccinations or treatments.

One of the most important things you can do to keep your pet healthy is to have them regularly checked by a veterinarian and to have their teeth cleaned. A dental cleaning for your pet should be done at least every six months, but ideally it should be done every three months or more.

However, with regular brushing and flossing, your pet’s teeth will clean themselves sufficiently most of the time. In some cases, however, dental problems may require professional treatment by a veterinarian.

How to Schedule a Dental Cleaning for Your Pet

two brown and white dogs running dirt road during daytime

If you have a pet, it’s important to keep their teeth clean. A dental cleaning for your pet is an important way to help ensure good oral hygiene.

Here are some tips on how to schedule a dental cleaning for your pet:

1] Talk to your vet about the best time for your pet’s dental cleaning. Some pets need more frequent dental cleanings than others.

2] Use a chart to track when your pet’s last dental check-up was and set a target date for their next cleaning. This will help you stay on track and avoid any last minute scheduling conflicts!

3] Make sure all of your pet’s food and water bowls are clean and clear of any hiding spots where food orwater can collect. These hiding spots can lead to tooth decay in pets!

4] If possible, have your furry friend come in for their appointment wearing a collar with identification tags so that you can easily find them if they get lost during the procedure (or at home once they’re done!).

What are the benefits of a dental clean for your pet?

Your furry friend needs professional dental care, just like you do. A regular dental clean will help remove plaque and food build-up, which can lead to serious oral health problems such as gum disease and tooth decay.

Here are four specific benefits of a dental clean for your pet:

1] Improved Oral Health

A regular dental clean will help keep your pet’s mouth healthy by removing plaque and food build-up. This can prevent gum disease and tooth decay, both of which are serious oral health problems.

2] Reduced Stress

A chronic case of bad oral hygiene can be very stressful for pets, causing them to lash out or become anxious. A routine dental clean allows your pet to relax while their teeth get cleaned – making them less prone to developing additional stress-related issues in the future.

3] Less Odor Won’t Be an Issue Anymore

Oral odor is one of the most common complaints from pets owners – especially when it comes to dogs. In fact, one study found that up to 75% of dogs suffer from some degree of oral odor! Regular dental cleanings helps reduce the amount of bacteria that contributes to bad breath – meaning less stench in your home!

How often should you schedule a dental clean for your pet?

Depending on the age, breed, and activity level of your pet, you may want to schedule a dental clean approximately every 6-12 months. Pets that spend a lot of time outdoors or in areas with a lot of dirt or sand may need teeth cleaned more frequently.

A dental clean for your pet is typically done by one of our veterinarians who uses special instruments and methods to remove any stain or debris from the teeth and gums. This helps to keep your pet’s teeth and gums healthy and plaque free.

When should you make an appointment?

There is no hard and fast answer when it comes to scheduling a dental cleaning for your pet. Some factors you should consider include the overall health of your pet, their age, diet, medications they are taking, and the degree of their plaque and tartar buildup.

Typically, dental cleanings should be scheduled at least every six months if your pet’s overall health is good and they have no significant dental issues. Pets that are overweight or have additional medical conditions may need to be checked more often. Daily brushing and flossing along with a healthy diet can help keep teeth clean without requiring too many trips to the vet or dentist.

If you notice any dental problems, or if your pet’s oral health appears to be deteriorating, it is important to schedule an appointment as soon as possible.

What to bring to your appointment

It is important to keep your pet’s teeth clean and healthy in order to prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and more serious dental problems. However, it is also important to remember that not every pet needs teeth cleaned on a regular basis.

Here are three factors to consider when deciding how often to have a pet’s teeth cleaned:

1) Age:Cleanliness starts with good oral hygiene habits from the start. If your pet is young (<6 months old), annual visits should be sufficient. Pets 6-12 months old should have their teeth cleaned twice per year (once in the spring and once in the fall). Pets over 12 months old may need teeth cleaned every 3-6 months depending on their age, activity level, diet, etc.

2) Diet: A high-quality diet helps maintain good oral hygiene. Be sure to feed your pet chewables and properly cooked foods that aren’t full of crunchy bits or hard stones. Kibble can be supplemented with vitamins and minerals if needed.

3) Health:If there are any changes such as new medications or illness present in your pet’s health history, please consult with a veterinarian before making any changes to their oral care regimen.
Some general items to bring to your appointment with your pet include: a recent photo of your pet, dental charts, samples of their current diet, and medications they are taking.


There is no one answer to this question as it depends on a variety of factors, including the size and age of your pet, the degree of fouling and odor present, your own personal oral hygiene habits, and the natural tendencies of your animal. However, we recommend that you clean your pet’s teeth at least twice a year – in the spring and fall – for optimal dental health. Thank you for reading our article on how often to schedule a dental cleaning for your pet!

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