How to Prevent Splitting, Cracking, and Breaking of Pet Nails

Your furry friend’s nails are not only an essential part of their overall health, but they also play a vital role in their daily activities. However, it is common for pet owners to encounter split, cracked or broken nails that can be painful and uncomfortable for pets. Thankfully, there are some simple yet effective ways you can prevent these nail issues from occurring.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the best tips and tricks on how to keep your pet’s nails strong and healthy so they can enjoy their day-to-day life without any discomfort or pain!

Causes of Pet Nail Problems

cat, nails, paw

There are many reasons why pet nails may split, crack, or break. These problems can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, environment, nail care habits, and disease.

Nail splitting is typically caused by fungal overgrowth. This can be due to an allergy or sensitivity to fungi, which can circulate in the air and on surfaces. Overgrown nails may also get wet and then humidify, reactivating the fungus. Fungal overgrowth can also occur as a result of poor nail care habits – for example, neglecting to trim the pet’s nails regularly enough.

Nail cracking is typically caused by dryness or other structural problems with the nail plate itself. This can make it more difficult for the nail to shear properly as it grows. Other causes of cracked nails include Trauma (such as being stepped on), infection (such as from warts), drug reaction (including corticosteroids prescribed for allergies), and Cryotherapy (frozen water applied to a damaged area).

Pet nails may also break due to a excess amount of pressure put on them – for example when a pet jumps up at their owner suddenly. In extreme cases, brittle nails can break even if the animal does not appear to be putting any excessive stress on them. Some diseases that can cause pet nail problems include Dystonia- A neurological disorder characterized by abnormal muscle contractions- and Onychodystrophy-A disorder that affects the nails and surrounding skin.

Types of Pet Nails

a dog and a cat laying in the grass

There are different types of nails that you may encounter when caring for a pet. The tips in this article will help you prevent splitting, cracking, and breaking of pet nails.

Toe Nails: The toe nails are the longest and hardest nails on the human finger and they are typically worn down from walking and running. Toenails should be trimmed regularly so that they do not grow too long and split, crack, or break. You can use a sturdy clipper to cut the toenail straight across at the edge of the nail bed. Cuticles should also be trimmed every two weeks if desired.

Fingernail Nails: Fingernails should also be trimmed regularly to keep them from growing too long or splitting, cracking, or breaking. Trim both sides of the nail equally using a sharp scissors or a durable nail clipper. Be sure to file any rough edges down so they do not create points of friction when you lift your fingers up after wiping them clean. Try our free email course on how to take better care of your fingernails!

Toenail Clippings: If there is no doctor present when your pet is having their nails trimmed, it is still important to clip their nails short as this will help prevent them from splitting, cracking, or breaking while wearing shoes/sandals Indoors/outdoors.

Kennel/Puppy Nail Clippers: Kennel/puppy nails can be quite long and can be difficult to clip short without causing pain or injury. If your pet is having their nails clipped by a professional vet, they will usually have special clippers designed for this purpose.

Cats: Cats require very little nail care. Occasionally, they may need an endorsement (nail trimming extension) inserted into the claw to keep it from growing too long. This should be done by a veterinarian as it is not something that you can do at home.

How to Treat Pet Nail Problems

If your pet is experiencing nail problems, there are a few things you can do to help ease the pain and prevent further damage. splinting a broken nail: If a nail is broken, it needs to be splinted or taped so that it doesn’t get any additional pressure on the break. To do this, take a piece of sturdy cardboard strip or paper towel and use it to create a crude splint. Place the ends of the cardboard strip against either side of the break in the nail, making sure that the wrap overlaps slightly. Hold the splint in place with some tape or hands.

After 24-48 hours, remove the splint and replace with a new one as needed. Prevention tips: Proper diet and exercise are two primary things you can do to prevent your pet from chewing on their nails too much. Providing them with chew toys that contain no metal springs can also help discourage excessive nail chewing.

If Preventative measures don’t work try these treatments if you see your pet scratching excessively on their paws Regular trimming: Regularly clipping nails shortens their length which in turn lessens the chance for them to become brittle and crack/break under pressure Walking on hard floors: Hard floors can cause nails to become brittle and crack Trimming after shoes have been removed: Shoes leave indentations on nails which can lead to cracking When To Call A Vet : If your pet’s nail is completely detached from its quicken or if the nail is so bad it can no longer be saved, then you should bring your pet in to the vet.

Items you will need:

  • Sturdy cardboard strip or paper towel
  • Tape or hand hold
  • Nail clippers
  • Medicine (if needed)

Prevention Tips for Pet Owners

There are a few easy steps you can take to help keep your pet’s nails in good condition. Follow these tips and your pet will be able to stay comfortable and pain-free while keeping their nails healthy!

Wash your pet’s paws regularly – Dogs and cats naturally lick their paw pads, but if they’re not kept clean, their paws can become infected. Bathe your pet as needed – If you notice any signs of infection, take your pet to the vet for a check-up. Don’t use human nail polish on your pet – One of the main causes of splitting, cracking, or breaking of pet nails is using human nail polish on them.

This is because human nail polish is made from solvents that can damage nails. Use a natural product like Pet Nail Forte or pure neats foot oil instead. trim toenails short – Trimming toenails short prevents them from growing too long and becoming brittle. Give pets treats that are high in calcium – Calcium helps support the growth of strong nails. Some great treats that contain calcium include: Pedigree biscuits, Hill’s Science Diet senior diet canned cat food, or chicken liver diet canned cat food If you have questions about how to care for your pet’s nails, ask your veterinarian or a qualified animal groomer.

For more information on nail care, please see the following articles:

  • The Effects of Exercise and Activity on Dog Nails
  • How to Cut Dog Nails Quick and Easily


It is important to take care of your pet’s nails in order to keep them healthy and looking their best. There are a few easy tips you can follow to prevent splitting, cracking, and breaking of pet nails. First, make sure that your pet has access to a good quality nail clipper. Second, feed your pet a high-quality diet that includes properly balanced proteins and essential vitamins and minerals. Third, socialize your dog or cat outside as much as possible so they get plenty of exercise. Fourth, use a Paw Tek coatings or gel polish on the nails every two weeks to strengthen them and help prevent breaking. Finally, give your pet regular nail checkups so that any issues can be addressed early on before they become severe.

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