How to Trim Your Pet's Fur Around the Eyes and Ears

Welcome to our latest blog post on pet grooming! If you’re a proud pet owner, then it’s likely that keeping your furry friend well-groomed and looking their best is high on your list of priorities. But trimming the fur around their delicate eyes and ears can prove to be a daunting task for even the most experienced groomers out there.

So, whether you have a long-haired pooch or a fluffy feline, we’ve got some top tips and tricks to get those pesky hairs in check without any stress or fuss. Keep reading as we dive into How to Trim Your Pet’s Fur Around The Eyes And Ears!


If you have a pet with fur around their eyes and ears, there are a number of things you can do to keep them looking their best. The most important step is to groom them at least once per week to prevent matting and tangles.

However, if you’re looking for a more fuss-free approach, here are five tips on how to trim your pet’s fur around the eyes and ears without any scissors or clippers:

  1. Start with the Long Hairs first
  1. Use a Trimming Comb or Blade If Necessary
  • If detangling with a brush isn’t enough, then you may need to resort to using a trimming comb or blade. Be very gentle when doing so – cutting through delicate fur can be painful and traumatizing for your furry friend!
  1. Take Care When Cutting Hair Around the Eyes and Ears
  • When cutting hair around the eyes and ears, be very careful not to cut too close to the skin. If you do, then you may end up with an unwanted bleeding or a swollen eye or ear.
  1. Always Wipe Away After Trimming
  • Once you’ve completed trimming around the eyes and ears, always make sure to wipe away any excess hair so that your pet is clean and tidy – it’ll look much better that way!
  1. Repeat as Necessary
  • If necessary, repeat steps 1-4 until the fur around your pet’s eyes and ears is neatly trimmed – just take care not to over-trim!

Necessities for Trimming Fur

long-coated tan dog sitting near fence

There are a few necessities for trimming your pet’s fur around the eyes and ears. First, be sure to have the right tools. You’ll need a pair of scissors, a blunt blade (or an emery board), and some water or detergent. If you don’t have any of these items on hand, you can buy them at most pet supply stores.

The first step is to clean your Pet’s face thoroughly with soap and water. Then, dry it off completely. Next, take your scissors and cut away as much fur around the eyes and ears as you can. Be gentle not to cut into the skin. Use a blunt blade or an emery board to remove any remaining fur. Let your Pet rest for a few minutes so the area doesn’t get too red or itchy.

If your Pet’s fur gets tangled easily or if it is just a little bit matted, you can use a hair dryer on low heat to help remove the fur. You can also use a comb and some water to wet the fur, and then use the comb to work the fur loose. If you have difficulty removing the fur, or if it is constantly getting tangled, you may need to take your Pet to a veterinarian for help.

Always be gentle when trimming your Pet’s fur. You don’t want to cause any injury. If you have any questions or concerns about trimming your Pet’s fur, please be sure to consult with a veterinarian.

How to Trim a Fur Dog’s Eyes and Ears

brown and black long coated small dog

If you have a fur dog, you’ll want to keep their fur trimmed around their eyes and ears. This is especially important if your dog doesn’t have regularly groomed fur.

  • Make sure your furry friend is comfortable and free from any distractions before beginning the trimming process. Have food and water available as well as some toys to keep them entertained while you work.
  • Use clippers or a scalpel to shave away any long fur that grows below the dog’s eyes or around their ears. Be sure not to clip too close to the skin, as this can cause irritation or infection.
  • Be careful not to trim too much hair at one time, as this can lead to tangles and Stress Buster syndrome (SB), a condition in which your pet becomes intolerant of being touched because of the Mane Madness padlock collar they wear. It’s best to start with a small area at a time and gradually increase the size of the trim as needed until your dog is completely trimmed.
  • Once you’ve completed the trimming process, give your dog a good bath with shampoo and clean water; be sure to use a pet shampoo specifically designed for animals’ fur coats, if desired). Dab some dry shampoo on the areas where hair was removed (such as behind the ears) and brush out all excess lint using a wide-tooth comb . Apply deodorant (if desired) and put on your favorite coat. Voila! Your furry friend is now ready to go outside and play!

Be sure to consult with a veterinarian if your dog experiences any unusual symptoms following the trimming process, such as refusing to eat or getting lost in new areas. Remember, regular fur trimming is essential if you want to keep your furry friend’s coat looking its best. If you need help trimming your dog’s fur, please don’t hesitate to ask a pet groomer or veterinarian.

How to Trim a Fur Cat’s Eyes and Ears

There are a few different ways to trim your pet’s fur around the eyes and ears, depending on how much fur there is and the type of clipper you use. With a pair of scissors or a razor, you can cut away any hair that sticks out from the skin. For fur that hangs below the surface of the skin, you may need to use a trimmer. Follow these steps to trim your cat’s fur:

  • Clean and dry the area where you’re going to trim your cat’s fur.
  • Trim away any long hair sticking out from the skin with either scissors or a razor. Be sure to cut close to but not through the skin. If using a razor, be careful not to nick or cut your cat’s eyes or ears!
  • If there is too much hair hanging below the surface of the skin, you may need to use a trimmer. Gently push down on the trimmer blade against the fur so that it pulls up along with it, and then cut off whatever is caught in between the blade and the wheel (this includes excess hair around your cat’s ears). Start at one side of your cat’s face and work towards the other side, being gentle when trimming around their eye and ear areas.
  • Clean and dry the area once again, and you’re ready to enjoy your beautiful, trimmed fur cat!

Remember to keep your pet’s fur trimmed to prevent it from becoming too long and tangled, which can be difficult and time-consuming to fixed. If you have any questions or concerns about how to trim a fur cat’s eyes and ears, please do not hesitate to contact your veterinarian.

After Trimming the Fur

If you have a pet that sheds, then you know that fur around their eyes and ears can get tangled up and messy. Here are three easy ways to trim your pet’s fur around these areas:

  • Pull the fur towards the head and gently tug on one end of the fur and hold on while moving the other end towards the head. If it gets too tight, use a pair of scissors to cut through the fur at that point.
  • Use a hairdressing scissors to cut along one side of the Fur. Make sure to keep an even edge all around by holding onto one end of the hair as you cut it with your scissors.


One of the most common questions pet owners ask is how to trim their pet’s fur around the eyes and ears. Whether your furry friend has long or short hair, there are a few steps you can take to get the perfect edge around their delicate facial features. First, make sure that you have an accurate Furrow Gauge – this tool will help determine the length of hair necessary to ensure a close trim. Once you have determined how much hair needs to be trimmed, use scissors or a clipper blade to cut it away neatly and evenly. Make sure to avoid trimming too closely around your pet’s eyes or ears as this could cause pain and discomfort.

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